Not Eligible
Affordable Valuation
Technically Neutral
Market Cap (Cr)
PE Ratio
Price to Book Ratio
Net Profit Margin
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Newspaper Publication
pursuant to REG 47 (3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 the company has published E-Voting information Notice on account of 45th AGM of the company and copies of News Paper clippings are attached for your perusal. Kindly take the same on record.
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Newspaper Publication
pursuant to REG 42 of SEBI (LODR) Regulation 2015 We have published Notice to shareholders on account of 45th AGM of the company is scheduled on 26.09.2024 in Newspapers and copies of paper cutting are attached. Kindly take the same on record.
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Directorate
Mr. Sathyanarayan (DIN: 08913315). His tenure has been completed and to this effect we have received letter from him and the resolution in this connection has been passed by the board of Directors at their meeting held on 14.08.2024. The extract of Board Resolution... More>
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Directorate
Ms.Indumathi ( DIN:10747508) has been appointed as an Independent Director on 14.08.2024 as per the resolution passed by the Board Of Directors at the meeting held on 14.08.2024. Extract of board Resolution our appointment letter and her consent are being submitted.... More>
Reg. 34 (1) Annual Report.
submission of Annual Report 2023-24 along with AGM Notice (45th AGM to be held on 26..09.2024) pursuant to REG 34 (1) of SEB( (LODR) Regulations 2015.
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Newspaper Publication
Pursuant to Regulation 42 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 we have published Notice of Book Closure on account of our 45th AGM to be held o 26.09.2024 in news papers Makkal Kural (Tamil) and in Trinity Mirror (English) and copies of news paper clippings are enclosed ... More>
The 45Th AGM Of The Company Is Scheduled To Be Held On 26.09.24 (THU)At 10.00 A.M. At The Regd. Offi
The 45th AGM of the Company will be held on 26.09.2024 at 10.00 a.m. at the Regd. office of the company through video conference (in view of covid 19 pandemic) and hence the Share Transfer Books will remain closed from 20.09.2024 to 26.09.2024 (both days inclusive) as... More>
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Newspaper Publication
Pursuant to regulation 30 (LODR) the company has published the un-audited financial results for the QE 30.06.24 in news papers and copies of newspaper clippings are attached for your perusal and to take on record.
Submission Of Pdf Format Of Statement Of Un-Audited Financial Results QE 30.06.2024 As Per BSE Mail
As directed by BSE vide their mail dt.19.04.24 we are submitting the statement of unaudited Fin. results QE 30.06.24 in pdf format along with auditors Limited Review Report & Balance Sheet. Kindly take the same on record.
Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of 2Nd Board Of Directors Meeting Held On 14.08.2024
The 2nd Board of Directors Meeting 2024-25 held on 14..08.2024 to take on record the statement of un-audited financial results for the QE 30.06.2024 and approved along with other items as per agenda. The Financial Results along with Limited review report issued by the... More>
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Newspaper Publication
The company has published Notice of Board Meeting to be convened on 14.08.2024 in news papers and copies of news paper clippings are attached along with our covering letter. Please take the same on record.
Board Meeting Intimation for 2Nd Board Of Directors Meeting 2024-25 To Be Held On 14.08.2024 (WED)
TAMILNADU STEEL TUBES LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 14/08/2024 inter alia to consider and approve The 2nd Board of Directors Meeting 2024-25 of the company is scheduled to be held on 14.08.2024 (WED) at... More>
Compliances-Reg. 39 (3) - Details of Loss of Certificate / Duplicate Certificate
we have received letter from the investors Mr Amul J Parekh & Rajal A Parekh intimating loss of share certificate No. 27427 (100 shares) and after verification of our records as well as with RTA records and as per SEBI (LODR) compliance we are arranging for issuance of... More>
Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations 2018
In compliance with REG 74(5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations 2018 we forward the certificate received from RTA for the QE 30.06.24. Please the same on record.
Closure of Trading Window
The Trading Window for dealing in Shares of the company for all the designated persons will remain closed from 1st July 2024 till the expiry of 48 hours after the declaration of the un-audited financial results for the QE 30.06.2024. The date of Board Meeting to... More>
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Directorate
Mrs Priya Krishna (DIN - 10640808) has been appointed as an Independent Director to the company w.e.f. 30.05.2024 as per the resolution passed at the Board of Directors Meeting held on 30.05.2024. The company is submitting the relevant documents including profile and... More>
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Directorate
Mrs Priya Krishna (DIN 10640808) has been appointed as an Independent Director of the company w.e.f. 30.05.2024. Board Resolution Appointment letter and consent letter are enclosed. Kindly take the same on record.
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Directorate
Mrs Renuka Ramesh Independent Director - whose three years tenure is over .
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Newspaper Publication
The company has published the statement of Audited Fin. Results for the QE & FYE 31.03.2024 in news papers - Trinity Mirror (English) and in Makkal Kural (English) and the news paper clippings are attached for your perusal and records. Kindly take the same on record.
Submission Of Pdf Format Of Statement Of Audited Fin. Results For The QE & FYE 31.03.24 As Per BSE M
As directed by BSE vide their mail dt. 19.04.24 the statement of Audited fin. Results. for the QE & FYE 31.03.24 along with Auditors report BS cash flow are being submitted. Kindly take the same on record.
Board Meeting Outcome for Outcome Of 1St Board Of Directors Meeting 2024-25 Held On 30.05.2024
The 1st Board of Directors Meeting 2024-25 held on 30.05.2024 to take on record the statement of Audited Accounts as well as Financial Results for the QE & FYE 31.03.2024 and approved the same along with other items. The outcome of board meeting along with the... More>
Compliances-Reg.24(A)-Annual Secretarial Compliance
Annual Secretarial Compliance Report (REG 24A) for the Fin. Year ended 31.03.2024 issued by Sri VS Sowrirajan PCS is being submitted. This report is being filed in xbrl mode also. Kindly take the same on record.
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Newspaper Publication
Pursuant to REG 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 the company has published Notice of Board Meeting of the company is scheduled on 30.05.2024 in news papers (Trinity Mirror & Makkal Kural) and news paper clippings are attached and the same may please be taken on... More>
Format of the Initial Disclosure to be made by an entity identified as a Large Corporate : Annexure
Format of Initial Disclosure to be made by an entity identified as a Large Corporate. Sr. No. Particulars Details 1Name of CompanyTAMILNADU STEEL TUBES LTD. 2CIN NO.L27110TN1979PLC007887 3 Outstanding borrowing of company as on 31st March / 31st December as... More>
Compliances-Reg. 39 (3) - Details of Loss of Certificate / Duplicate Certificate
We have received letter form the Investor Mr. Venkat E (Fol. No. 30016) intimating loss of Share Certificate Nos. 5321 & 14547 and after verification of our records as well as with the RTA records and as per SEBI (Lodr) compliance we are arranging for issuance of... More>
Board Meeting Intimation for The 1St Board Of Directors Meeting 2024-25 Scheduled To Be Held On Thu
TAMILNADU STEEL TUBES LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 30/05/2024 inter alia to consider and approve To consider approve and take on record the Audited Fin. Results for the QE & FYE 31.03.2024 along with... More>
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Resignation of Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Company has received mail dt. 10.04.24 from BSE (query.lodr? bseindia.com) calling for additional details submitted by the company on 02.04.24. We hereby clarify that we were in the process of submission of docs. in BSE portal/Listing centre reg. resignation of CFO... More>
Compliance Certificate Under REG 40(9) & 40 (10) For The FYE 31.03.2024
Compliance certificate under REG 40(9) & 40(10) for the FYE 31.03.2024 issued by PCS Mrs Sobana Pranesh is being filed. Kindly take the same on record.
Compliances-Reg. 39 (3) - Details of Loss of Certificate / Duplicate Certificate
Company has received letters from the investor (Gandhi Sarangan - Claimant ) under Fol. 000205 as well as from RTA regarding loss of share certificate and for issuance of duplicate share cert. These letters copies along with our covering letter dt. 05.04.2024 are... More>
Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations 2018
In compliance with REG 74(5) of SEB( (DP) Regulations 2018 Compliance cert. dt. 03.04.2024 received from RTA is being filed. Kindly take the same on record.
Compliance Certificate For The Q.E. 31.03.2024
In compliance with REG 7(3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 we are filing the required certificate duly signed by the company as well as by RTA for the QE 31.03.2024. Please take the same on record.
Format of the Initial Disclosure to be made by an entity identified as a Large Corporate : Annexure
Format of Initial Disclosure to be made by an entity identified as a Large Corporate. Sr. No. Particulars Details 1Name of CompanyTAMILNADU STEEL TUBES LTD. 2CIN NO.L27110TN1979PLC007887 3 Outstanding borrowing of company as on 31st March / 31st December as... More>
Appointment Of CFO Mr Vinodh Kumar
The company is in the process of filing/submission of documents with regard to Appt. of CFO in BSE Portal/Listing Centre for the past few months. In spite of our repeated attempts on a many number of occasions we were unable to submit the documents in portal but we... More>
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Change in Directorate
Mr Krishnan Kamal Shukla (DIN - 09700482) has been appointed as Whole Time Director of the Company Under Sec. 161 of the companies Act 2013 with effect from 10.02.2024 onwards at the Meeting of Board of Directors held on 10.02.24. Extract of Board Resolution our... More>
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Resignation of Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Mrs G Chitra CFO Resigned on Resignation letter received from her and resolution passed at the Board Meeting held on 14.11.2023 are enclosed. Please take the same on record.
Closure of Trading Window
The Trading window for dealing in shares of the company for all the designated persons will remain closed from 01.04.2024 till the expiry of 48 hours after declaration of Audited Fin. Results for the QE & FYE 31.03.2024. The date of Board Meeting to consider and take... More>
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Resignation of Director
Resignation of Wholetime Director Mr MT Elumalai (DIN 0127399) has resigned from his directorship w.e.f. 10.02.2024. Extract of Board Resolution and his resignation letter. dt.09.02.2024 are enclosed. Request you to kindly take the same on rcord.
Compliances-Reg. 39 (3) - Details of Loss of Certificate / Duplicate Certificate
we have received letter from the investor Mr Venkateswarlu M intimating loss of share cert. No. 8051 (100 shares) and after verification of our records as well as with the RTA records and as per SEBI (LODR) compliance we are arranging for issuance of duplicate share... More>
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-Newspaper Publication
Pursuant to Regulation 29 Read with Regulation 47 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2015 company has published Un-audited Fin. Results QE 31.12.23 in News papers Makkal Kural (Tamil) and in Trinity Mirror (English) and copies of news paper clippings are attached. Kindly take... More>
Board Meeting Outcome for Approval And To Take On Record The Un-Audited Financial Results For The QE
The 4th Board of Directors Meeting 2023-24 held on 10.02.2024 to consider approve and take on record the un-audited Financial Results for the QE 31.12.2023 Internal Audit Report QE 31.12.2023 disclosure of the Royalty payment to Mr Saatvik Goyal to be considered as... More>
Appointment of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Company has received mail dt.02.02.2024 calling for additional details (Brief Profile - not submitted in earlier filing) with regard to the appointment of company secretary. Therefore company is now re-submitting the documents along with Profile (included in 5th... More>
Board Meeting Intimation for Board Of Directors Meeting 2023-24 To Be Held On 10.02.2024 - Intima
TAMILNADU STEEL TUBES LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 10/02/2024 inter alia to consider and approve The 4th Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled to be held on Saturday the 10th February 2024 to consider... More>
Board Meeting Intimation for Board Of Directors Meeting 2023-24 To Be Held On 10.02.2024 - Intima
TAMILNADU STEEL TUBES LTD.has informed BSE that the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company is scheduled on 10/02/2024 inter alia to consider and approve The 4th Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled to be held on Saturday the 10th February 2024 to consider... More>
Closure of Trading Window
Regarding Closure of Trading Window company has already submitted on to BSE 03.01.2024 vide BSE Ack. No. 6643551 dt. 03.01.24. However the company has received communication from BSE on 19.01.24 for re-submission since the earlier one filed by the company was not... More>
Compliances-Reg. 39 (3) - Details of Loss of Certificate / Duplicate Certificate
`we have received letter from investor (Jasmin Vora) intimating loss of share Certificate No.27293 (100 Shares) and after verification of our records as well as with the RTA Records and as per SEBI (LODR) Complaints we are arranging for issuance of Duplicate Share... More>
Compliances-Certificate under Reg. 74 (5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations 2018
In compliance with REG 74(5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations 2018 certificate issued by RTA for the QE 31.12.2023 is being submitted and the same may please be taken on record.